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What is nutritional therapy?


Nutritional Therapy is personalised nutrition and lifestyle medicine, sometimes called functional medicine, that helps to create balance in your body. It is an evidence-based complimentary therapy founded on extensive research.


I will work with you on a one-to-one basis to reach an understanding of any underlying issues that are causing concern. I will help explain how they can be contributing to your symptoms and we will agree a plan to help address the underlying issues with the aim of reducing the impact of your symptoms.


Consultations give you the opportunity to explain all the concerns you have, so we can focus on you as a unique whole person rather than addressing only a single ailment.





Finding the time


I know that you're busy!


The plan we create for you will provide you with all the small steps that are easily attainable by you and focused on your own goals. It may include new ingredients to try, recipe ideas that you are happy to create, possible lifestyle suggestions that you agree are achievable and ways to improve your sleep and mindfulness. That's the beauty of the nutritional therapy concept. It is designed for you and by you, with my help.


This is how, together, we can create and maintain a healthier, happier you.

Eat real food


After making a decision to eat more healthily that's the first step. The smart way to take the step is to eat real food. There's no need to cut out any food groups; eat almost everything, but everything in moderation. We should steer clear of "junk food" and most types of fast food, but that doesn't mean that food takes ages to prepare.

How can Smart Steps help?


It might be time to stop and think of a new solution. A good starting point is a free, no obligation 15-minute consultation call or web conference with me.


Together we can create and maintain a healthier, happier you, by designing a bespoke nutritional solution that is achievable for you.

What's real food?


Real food means things that haven’t been messed about with or processed. It can be really quick and easy to eat real food and it’s definitely cheaper and healthier.


How I do it


Many of us have gone through periods in life when the usual food we eat has little or no nutritional value just because it is fast and convenient. To fix this, we need to be very conscious of the food we put in our bodies.


We know that exercise is good for the body but we don't all take the same care and attention about the food we fuel our body with.


I know that by finding and addressing the underlying causes of conditions, many symptoms can be helped by nutritional therapy, giving the best chance of optimum health.


How does it work?


Nutritional therapy works alongside conventional medicine. I am not a medical doctor and do not treat or claim to treat any condition. Nutritional changes, changes in your medication and exercise programme should only be carried out after consulting your doctor.


The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance. - Nathaniel Branden

My 4 favoutite ways to Eat Smart
1 Juice

I started juicing every day in 2012. It's honestly not all green sludge! Juice is totally delicious and a great way to kick start the day with a big hit of fabulous flavour, lots of veggies and it gives tons of energy!

3 Cake

Cake is one of the absolute pleasures in life for me, so I'm not planning to give it up. I don't have it every day, I don't need it; I just have some every now and then when I feel like having some. Eating it only occasionally makes it so much more pleasurable! 

2 Chicken

Although I don't eat much meat, being a vegetarian is just not for me. Chicken is relatively cheap, readily available and there are so many ways to prepare it without it ever getting boring. Chicken can be really tasty.

4 Water

I know that water isn't really food, but we all know that we should drink lots of it. I have always enjoyed drinking water. If I'm thirsty, nothing else will do. I usually carry a bottle of water with me everywhere I go.

Eat Smart blog posts
Eat smart: sort the larder  


I started by doing a check in the larder and kitchen cupboards to see what food I had in already.  I made a decision not to buy more of the same.



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Eat smart: fizzy drinks  


Fizzy drinks are banished!  I stopped drinking these when I realised how much sugar there is in them – it’s just empty calories for no reason.



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Eat smart: sweet as sugar  


One of my targets was to reduce sugar.  This was easier than I thought it would be.  Those cravings have gone.



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Eat smart: processed foods?  


Processed foods just don't appeal to me any more.  I no longer entertain them in my home.  There are so many more delicious things to eat than chemicals.



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Eat smart: juicing or blending?  


I added lots of lovely vegetables into my life by juicing.  This is one of my favourite good food habits.




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Eat smart: smart shopping  


Smart shopping is something I started doing.  The first few visits to the supermarket took longer than usual, but it was worth it!



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Eat smart: smart fridge management  


Smart fridge management follows on after smart shopping.  This means not letting things linger at the back of the fridge and wasting or throwing away food.  Everything is prepared, visible and ready to use.


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Eat smart: snacking  


I have lots of healthy snacks around for when I get the munchies.  Everyone feels hungry sometimes between meals and I’m no different.  Rather than depriving myself and bingeing on bad stuff later, I make sure I have plenty available.


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Eat smart: hidden vegetables


I started to add more vegetables to my cooking.  This is a great way for me to have more healthy ingredients in my regular food without even noticing.



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Eat smart: cook in bulk


So that I don’t need to cook something every day, I often cook in bulk and freeze portions so it’s ready to go on the days I’m really busy.



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Eat smart: something new...


I try new foods all the time.  I visit shops I haven’t been to and try new or unusual vegetables.  This keeps my everyday diet from becoming boring.



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Eat smart: eating out

Eating out is definitely on the menu!  Being Smart about it is what counts for me.



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Eat smart: I'll have a portion of that

We’ve all probably heard about portion sizes and how much we should eat.  This one I find really difficult but when I manage to eat the right amount, I’m delighted with myself.



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Eat smart: no time to eat

I don’t skip meals, especially not breakfast.  I need to be fed at regular intervals.



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Eat smart: water, water, water

Drink more water – is water considered a food?  Either way we all know we should drink lots.  Every day.  I’ve always turned to water as my beverage of choice, but am I drinking enough?



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Eat smart: reward and punishment

I don’t use food as a punishment or reward.  I enjoy food, I enjoy eating and I want to keep it that way.  I don’t deprive myself of the things I want to eat, I know this only makes me crave them more.



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Based in Cheadle, Cheshire, UK


© 2017 Smart Steps Limited.  Registered in England and Wales

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